خوشخبری Happy News
چوتھا انڈو ۔ نیپال جنرل نالج انعامی مقابلہ۲۰۱۰
4th Indo-Nepal Quiz Contest 2010
On 18, september 2010, Saturday
بتاریخ: ۱۸؍ ستمبر ۲۰۱۰ بروز سنیچر- زیر اہتمام: نیپال اردو نیوز کلب، کرشنا نگر
Conducted by: Nepal Urdu News Club, Krishna Nagar
وقت: صبح ۹؍ بجے تا ۳؍ بجے شام Timing: 9:00 am to 3:00 pm
Venue: Muslim Community Hall KNR.
All the students are informed that 4th Indo-Nepal Quiz Contest is going to held, Therefore, interested students are requested to collect their form and submit it on address, given below.
Based on: Oral and Written (Objective)
There will be three groups:
A- 3rd to 5th class
B- 6th to 8th class
C- 9th to 10th clas
Question type: History, Science, Sport And Religious
(Islam, Hinduism, Christianism, Budhism, and Sikhism)
Last date for submissiion of form 16, september 2010Form Fee: Rs. 50/- N.C
Contact Address:
Himalaya Traders, Gol ghar, Krishna Nagar, Ph: 520195
Or Himalaya Cloth House, Station Gali, Barhni
Namaste: 9847216880,BSNL: 9415897798,8004089684,9553855736
Convener: Abdussaboor Nadvi